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The presentations can be downloaded here. There are 3 packages for the presentations of the 3 sessions and one package with all the presentations, together with the flash presentations from companies. The packages are protected with a password that is available to participants of the symposium. Later we will decide how we can provide access to a wider public. |
Session 1 (The Next Generation Organic Rankine Cycles) (10.5 MB) |
Session 2 (Waste heat recovery via Organic Rankine Cycle) (20 MB) |
Session 3 (From waste heat to process heat with high temperature heat pumps) (13.8 MB) |
All presentations including flash presentations (74.4 MB) |
The presentations by Prof. Lemort and Dr. Quolin should be downloaded separately from their repository. |
Click on a title or speaker's name for more information. |
Thursday, 13 September 2012
The Next Generation Organic Rankine Cycles
Session chair: Prof. dr. ir. Michel De Paepe, Ghent University (BE) |
8h00-8h30 |
Registration technical visits |
9h30-10h30 |
Technical visit Proviron in Oostende (250 kW BEP Europe ORC) |
11h15-12h30 |
Technical visit MIROM in Roeselare (2.5 MW Turboden ORC) |
10h30-12h30 |
Meeting advisory group ORCNext
(only for members of the advisory group - private invitation) |
12h30-13h50 |
Sandwich lunch and registration afternoon program |
13h50-14h00 |
Dr. Ann Dumoulin, Howest, University College West Flanders (BE)
Welcome and bird's-eye view of Howest - Ghent University |
14h00-14h15 |
Prof. dr. ir. Michel De Paepe, Ghent University (BE)
Situation of the ORCNext project |
14h15-15h00 |
Prof. dr. Piero Colonna, Delft University of Technology (NL)
Developments from the early days, current status and an outlook on relevant research topics and new applications
15h00-15h30 |
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hartmut Spliethoff, Dipl. Ing. Chistoph Wieland, Munich Technical University (DE)
Advanced and experimental cycle architectures |
15h30-16h00 |
Coffee break, fair visit and poster session |
16h00-16h30 |
Prof. dr. ir. Vincent Lemort, University of Liège (BE)
Advances in ORC expander design |
16h30-17h00 |
Dipl. Ing. Florian Heberle, Centre of Energy Technologies (ZET), University of Bayreuth (DE)
Advanced ORC fluid research for cycle efficiency improvement |
17h00-17h30 |
Dr. ir. Sylvain Quoilin, University of Liège (BE)
Dynamic modeling and control strategies for ORCs |
17h30-18h00 |
Ing. Riccardo Vescovo, Turboden (IT)
ORC for waste heat recovery in industrial processes: the HREII Demo Project
18h00-21h00 |
Walking dinner and fair visit |
18h30-21h00 |
Visit to a small scale demonstrational ORC on the lab test rig |
18h30-21h00 |
Flash presentations by manufacturers |
Dürr Cyplan
GE Energy
(Bluerise) |
Friday, 14 September 2012: morning
Waste heat recovery via Organic Rankine Cycle
Session chair: Dipl. Ing. Tobias Erhart, Stuttgart University for Applied Sciences (DE) |
8h30-9h00 |
Registration |
9h00-10h15 |
Ing. Bruno Vanslambrouck, Ir. Sergei Gusev, Howest, University College West Flanders (BE)
Main results of two practically oriented and publicly funded ORC research projects |
10h15-10h30 |
Ir. Pieter Brodeoux, Proviron Basic Chemicals (BE)
Integration of a 250 kWe low temperature ORC in a chemical plant |
10h30-10h40 |
Ing. Tom De Vrieze, Vanheede Environment Group (BE)
Obvious Reuse of Calories: case example of an ORC at a waste treatment site |
10h40-11h10 |
Coffee break, fair visit and poster session |
11h10-11h40 |
Dipl. Ing. Tobias Erhart, Stuttgart University for Applied Sciences (DE)
Monitoring and dynamic behavior of an ORC plant; case 1MWe ORC of Scharnhauser Park, Ostfildern |
11h40-12h00 |
Prof. Ir. Jos van Buijtenen, Triogen (NL)
Increased Power for internal combustion engines through an advanced high temperature ORC |
12h00-12h30 |
Dr. Martijn van den Broek, Howest, University College West Flanders (BE)
Steam cycle versus ORC for power production from industrial waste heat and potential of zeotropic mixtures as ORC-working fluid |
12h30-13h30 |
Flash presentations by manufacturers
Dorset Green Machines
DNV KEMA Energy & Sustainability
Star Refrigeration - Emerson |
12h30-14h00 |
Walking dinner and fair visit |
Friday, 14 September 2012: afternoon
From waste heat to process heat with high temperature heat pumps
Session chair: Dr.-Ing. Johannes Kappen, Papiertechnische Stiftung (PTS) München (DE) |
12h30-14h00 |
Walking dinner, fair visit and registration afternoon program |
14h00-14h20 |
Ing. Bruno Vanslambrouck, Howest, University College West Flanders (BE)
From waste heat to process heat: project idea, scope and structure |
14h20-14h50 |
Dipl.-Ing. Jochen Lambauer, M. Sc. Stefan Wolf, Dr. rer.pol. Ulrich Fahl, Dr.-Ing. Markus Blesl, Dr.-Ing. Alfred Voß, Institute of Energy Economics and the Rational Use of Energy, Universität Stuttgart (DE)
High temperature heat pumps in industry: current market situation and potentials
14h50-15h20 |
Dr. ir. Henk Huisseune, Ghent University (BE)
State of the art of current industrial heat pump technology: types, market overview, literature survey |
15h20-15h50 |
Ir. Simon Spoelstra, Energy Research Center Netherlands (NL)
Development of novel high-temperature industrial heat pump technologies |
15h50-16h20 |
Coffee break, fair visit and poster session |
16h20-16h50 |
Dr-Ing. Ali Bourig, EDF R&D (FR)
Development of high temperature industrial compression heat pumps. Application for waste heat recovery
16h50-17h10 |
Ir. Lars Reinholdt, Danish Technological Institute (DK)
Development of a high temperature hybrid heat pump and a water based high temperature heat pump |
17h10-17h30 |
Ir. Tage Petersen, Danish Technological Institute (DK)
Integration of high temperature heat pumps in industrial processes, including cases |
17h30-17h50 |
Dr.-Ing. Johannes Kappen, Papiertechnische Stiftung (PTS) München (DE)
Integration of heat pumps in the paper industry |
17h50-18h00 |
Prof. dr. ir. Michel De Paepe, Ghent University (BE)
Closing remarks and announcement of the “Industrial Waste Heat Knowledge Center” of Howest, University College West Flanders - Ghent University |
18h00-20h00 |
Closing reception and fair visit |