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Posters |
Voor posterpresentaties kunt u een korte abstract (maximaal 150 woorden) sturen naar Dr. Martijn van den Broek. Om een poster te presenteren, vragen we u in te schrijven voor het symposium (kortingen kunnen van toepassing zijn). Er zijn 3 postersessies van 30 min. gepland. Afmetingen van de poster zijn A0 of kleiner. Wij voorzien materiaal om de poster te bevestigen, maar we kunnen niet afdrukken. |
Beursstandhouders |
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Sprekerslijst (onvolledig) |
Dr-Ing. Ali BourigDr-Ing Ali Bourig received the degree of B.Sc. in chemical engineering in 2003 from Orléans University (France). This was followed in 2005 by a Diploma and in 2008 by a Ph.D. both in process engineering. His doctorate was obtained in the framework of a French-German partnership. In 2008, Ali BOURIG joined the Research and Development department of EDF group, as research engineer in charge of projects connected to energy efficiency in industrial processes. |
Ir. Pieter BrodeouxPieter Brodeoux is Plant Support Engineer at Proviron. Earlier he held positions at Praxair as Combustion and Application Engineer Western Europe and at Laborelec as Combustion Engineer.
Pieter Brodeoux received the degrees of Master of Science in Industrial Engineering at Howest, Master of Science in Industrial Management at KU Leuven and Master of Science in Civil Engineering at Ghent University. |
Prof. dr. Piero ColonnaProf. Colonna received a PhD degree in Energy Engineering from Politecnico di Milano.
He has worked with Prof. G. Angelino at Politecnico and Prof. W.C Reynolds at Stanford University.
He was one of the founders of Austex Energy Engineering in Italy, which he later left to pursue an international academic career.
He was hired at the Delft University of Technology in 2002, where he is now Professor in Renewable Energy Systems. In 2005 he was one of the few recipients of the VIDI personal grant of the Dutch Science Foundation (NWO).
His research interests span from fundamental aspects, like thermodynamic properties of fluids and dense and close-to-critical fluid flows, to more applied topics, chiefly ORC power systems. He is the author of more than 40 papers in journals and peer-reviewed conference proceedings. He gave many invited lectures at prestigious university and research institutions all over the word, serves as referee for many renowned scientific journals and is associate editor for the ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power. |
Prof. dr. ir. Michel De PaepeMichel De Paepe (°1972) is professor of Thermodynamics in the Faculty of Engineering at Ghent University. He graduated with an M.Sc. degree in Electro-Mechanical Engineering at Ghent University in 1995. In 1999, he obtained a Ph.D. degree in Electro-Mechanical Engineering at Ghent University, with a dissertation on ‘Steam Injected Gas Turbines with Water Recovery’. In 2005, he spent 3 months as a visiting professor at the University of Pretoria (South Africa), performing research on flow regime detection. He currently heads the Research Group Applied Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer of the Faculty of Engineering at Ghent University. Research is focused on the thermodynamics of new energy systems, the performance of HVAC systems and energy in buildings and complex heat transfer phenomena in industrial applications, such as compact heat exchangers, refrigerant two-phase flow and electronics cooling. For his master thesis and his Ph.D. he received the WEL price Energy. |
Ing. Tom De VriezeTom De Vrieze received the degree of Master of Science in Industrial Engineering in Agronomy at CTL in Ghent in 1987. After having worked for 10 years in agricultural business, he joined the Vanheede Environment Group as Operations Supervisor of Vanheede Biomass Solutions where Anaerobic Digestion, food waste processing, composting and waste water treatment are the main activities. Since 2010, he works as project engineer in the project and research department of the Vanheede Environment Group and has specialized in Thermodynamics. |
Dipl. Ing. Tobias ErhartTobias Erhart received a diploma in Mechanical Engineering and Power Engineering in 2004 from University of Applied Sciences of Ulm. In 2006 he graduated as MSc in Sustainable Energy in the collaborative course SENCE.
Since 2006 he is working as researcher at zafh.net, the renewable energy research group of Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences.
Since 2008, he is a PhD student at University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.
Since 2010, Germany coordinator of the RecoORC-project. Main field of work are simulation and improvement of biomass fueled ORCs. |
Dipl. Ing. Florian HeberleCentre of Energy Technologies (ZET),
University of Bayreuth (DE)
2001 – 2007 Diplom Environmental Engineering,
University of Bayreuth (DE)
Academic Experience:
2007 - 2010 Scientific Assistant,
Chair of Engineering Thermodynamics and Transport Processes (LTTT),
University of Bayreuth (DE)
2010 - now Academic Advisor,
Chair of Engineering Thermodynamics and Transport Processes (LTTT),
Centre of Energy Technologies (ZET),
University of Bayreuth (DE) |
Dr. ir. Henk HuisseuneHenk Huisseune is a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Flow, Heat and Combustion Mechanics, Ghent University, Belgium. He obtained his Ph.D. from Ghent University in 2011 and his master’s degree in electromechanical engineering from the same university in 2007. For his master’s dissertation, he was honored with the “Umicore Award”. His research interests are design and optimization of heat exchangers, heat pumps, organic Rankine cycles and energy efficiency of systems. He is author of several articles in international peer reviewed journals and conference proceedings. |
Dr.-Ing. Johannes KappenWork experience:
2005 - today: Division manager, PTS, Munich
2001 – 2004: Head of department, PTS, Munich
1994 – 2001: Project leader and consultant, PTS, Munich
1993 – 1994: Project engineer, PTS, Munich
Professional experience:
Development of a standardized method for process analysis of paper mill water loops, of paper mill energy use, of paper mill recovered fibre stock preparations plants and wet end paper machine operation marketed under the brand label PTS-SystemCheck. Development of applications for process simulation, advanced control development and coordination of development of computer assisted paper design (CAPD). Project coordinator of various research projects covering internal water management, closed water loops, internal mechanical water treatment, gaseous emissions of paper machines, Organisation of international symposia and various seminars, Consultant for the paper industry in the areas named above, Chairman of COST E36 "Modelling and simulation in the pulp and paper industry (2004-2008)". |
Dipl.-Ing. Jochen LambauerJochen Lambauer (1978) has studied Environmental Engineering (Dipl.-Ing.; B.Sc.) at the University of Stuttgart, Germany and the University of Iceland (Háskolí Islands, Reykjavík), Iceland. Since 2005 he is a Research Associate at the Institute for Energy Economics and the Rational Use of Energy (IER) at the University of Stuttgart. IER published a study about the potentials and possible application of industrial heat pumps in industry and actually IER conducts the research project "Potential analysis for industrial heat pumps in Germany" as the German contribution to the IEA HPP / IETS Annex 35/13 “Application of Industrial Heat Pumps”. Jochen Lambauer is responsible for research activities in the fields of rational use of energy, energy efficiency, virtual power plants, demand response and energy impacts of innovations (e. g. nanotechnology). In addition he is Managing Director and Scientific Coordinator of the Graduate and Research school Efficient use of Energy Stuttgart (GREES). |
Prof. dr. ir. Vincent LemortVincent Lemort received his Ph.D. degree in Energy Engineering from the University of Liege in 2008. He is currently Assistant Professor at the Thermodynamics Laboratory of the University of Liege. His research activities are concerned with the modeling, the testing and the optimization of energy systems, in particular refrigeration, heating and air-conditioning systems, as well as small-scale Organic Rankine Cycles. He has published more than 35 journal and conference papers on these topics. He has a strong background in working in collaboration with industry and within the framework of international research projects (FP7, EraSME, IEA). |
Ir. Tage PetersenTage Petersen received his master's degree from the Danish Technical University in 1988. He is presently employed at the Danish Technological Institute, in the department of Refrigeration & Heat Pump Technology, where he has been involved in various projects concerning Industrial Heat Pumps, Refrigeration Systems, Energy Optimization etc.
Previous work experience:
2010 – 2012: Senior consultant at DTI
1998 – 2010: Head of Design Dept. Freezers, Gram Equipment
1996 – 1998: Development Engineer, Thermo King Container
1990 – 1996: Development Engineer, Refrigeration, Wittenborg |
Dr. ir. Sylvain QuoilinSylvain Quoilin obtained a European Doctorate in Mechanical/Energy Engineering in 2011 at the University of Liege, where he is now Research Associate in the "Energy Systems Research Unit".
His PhD thesis focused on the Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) technology applied to solar and waste heat recovery applications, in particular for the following aspects: fluid selection, steady-state modelling, optimization, dynamic modelling and regulation of the system, experimental studies.
He gained a strong international experience by spending a few months in the US (Massachusetts Institutes of Technology), 6 months in Germany (TU München), And one month in South Africa (Solar Turbine Group, NGO), visiting research groups working on the same topic. He is the author and co-author of more than 30 journal and conference papers regarding the ORC technology and he is the main inventor of one patent dealing with the dynamic control of waste heat recovery ORC systems. |
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hartmut SpliethoffDegrees
Diploma in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Stuttgart, Germany 1986
Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Stuttgart, Germany 1992
Habilitation in Combustion and Power Plant Technology at the University of Stuttgart, Germany 1999
Professional Career
1986-1991 Scientific Assistant at the Institute for Process Engineering and Power-Plant Technology, University of Stuttgart, Germany
1992-1999 Head of the Department of Boiler Technology at the Institute for Process Engineering and Power-Plant Technology, University of Stuttgart, Germany
2000 Chair and full time Professor for Thermal Power Engineering at the Delft University of Technology/ NL
2004 Chair and full time Professor for Energy Systems at the Technical University of Munich, Germany |
Ir. Simon SpoelstraSimon Spoelstra studied Applied Physics at the University of Twente and graduated on a two-phase flow fluid dynamics subject. He started at ECN in 1989 and worked for eight years in the field of nuclear energy. Since 1997, he is active in the field of industrial energy savings. Until 2001, he was working on energy analysis of industrial sectors and identifying new opportunities for R&D at ECN. In 2001 he started as project manager for the development of thermoacoustic systems and has managed several (inter)national projects in this area. He presently hold the position of Senior Manager of the Thermal Systems group and is responsible for the development of both heat pump and heat storage systems. |
Prof. Ir. Jos van Buijtenen
Jos van Buijtenen holds an M.Sc. from Delft University of Technology, where he specialized in Gas Turbines. He served several companies as R&D engineer and manager and holds the Chair of Gas Turbines at Delft University since 1990.
In 2001 he established Triogen BV, for the development of a unique Organic Rankine Cycle System. |
Dr. Martijn van den BroekMartijn van den Broek received a Ph.D. degree in physics (2008), specializing in thermodynamics and statistical physics of small systems out of equilibrium. He then accepted a Physicist Postdoctoral Fellowship position at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, working on the conversion of solar energy into fuel. In 2011, he joined a project at Howest involving high temperature heat pumps. His interests range from fundamental thermodynamic problems to technologies such as organic Rankine cycles and high temperature heat pumps. Martijn van den Broek is author of several papers in international journals and serves as reviewer for several physics and engineering journals. |
Ing. Bruno VanslambrouckBruno Vanslambrouck joined Howest in 1986 and is now project leader of the "Waste heat recovery via ORC" and "From waste heat to process heat" projects, as well as work package leader of the experimental program for the “The Next Generation Organic Rankine Cycles” project. He teaches several courses in the Industrial Engineering department (thermodynamics, energy conversion, thermal engines, among others) and is a much asked speaker on ORC and cogeneration. He was also the organizer of the ORC symposium at Howest in 2009. |
Ing. Riccardo VescovoRiccardo Vescovo is sales manager in the Heat Recovery team of Turboden and he is responsible for sales of Heat Recovery Systems in Europe and Africa, and providing technical support for the worldwide market.
He works in Turboden since 2005.
Riccardo Vescovo holds a BS in Industrial Chemistry and a MBA. |
Dipl. Ing. Chistoph WielandMr. Wieland obtained his Diploma in Mechanical Engineering in 2006. Since then he is a Ph.D. Student and Scientific Assistant at the Institute for Energy Systems at the Technische Universität München. Additionally, since 2011, he is in charge of decentralized energy systems at the Institute for Energy Systems at the Technische Universität München. |